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Whistleblower Platform

Our portal is a simple and effective solution that fits in your company’s budget. It’s a tool that contributes to a healthy and ethical workplace.

Safety and Legislation

Having a whistleblower platform is one of the pillars of an effective Compliance program. It’s no accident that the brazillian Anticorruption Law forsees a fine reduction for companies that have “mechanisms and internal procedures that encourage the complaint of irregularities”.
Of 2,690 frauds in 125 countries, between 2016 and 2017, were detected through whistleblower programs 


Test Our Whistleblower Platform!

Access the link and make a complaint! You can try and see what happens when you choose to be anonymous or not, the types of questions and even follow the complaint receiving notifications on the investigation process.

Full Customization!       

Apply your visual identity by customizing the logo, colors, channel name and main page text to explain to everyone the importance of the process, channel rules and the process for investigating complaints.       


Anonymous or identified access       

The whistleblower can choose to report anonymously or by identifying himself to the company.       


Email and phone validation       

The system instantly validates the email and phone number when filled out on the identified complaint form.       


Custom classifications

Include the report classifications the whistleblower can choose in the form that makes the most sense for your company.       


Protocol for monitoring complaints       

The whistleblower receives a protocol at the end of the complaint so that he can monitor the progress of his complaint.       


Customizable dynamic questions       

The whistleblower answers dynamic questions chosen by the company to make the complaint.       


Monitoring Indicators and Reports       

Indicators and reports on the amount of reports, progress status, report types or classifications, average resolution time and much more!       


Moral Harassment
Sexual harassment
Discrimination / Prejudice
Theft / Robbery
Breach of confidentiality

Computer or Mobile Access

The channel can be easily accessed by computer or mobile devices.    


Alert the whistleblower by email or SMS       

The anonymous or identified whistleblower* can receive automatic notifications via email or SMS about the progress of the report.

*The whistleblower can identify themselves to the platform and remain anonymous to the company.

Enterprise Plan       

The enterprise whistleblower channel has all of the standard channel features, in addition to the features below.

Artificial intelligence  

Detection of complaints against channel managers and appropriate follow-up flows.

Review of allegations to determine criticality and suggest prioritization for immediate investigation of serious allegations.

Immediate feedback on completing the complaint form to confirm its consistency.

Complaint Handling Flow       

Within the portal, the administrator shares the complaint with interested parties for its resolution. Through the portal it is also possible to request more information from the complainant.

Anonymous chat with whistleblower   

The administrator can open an anonymous conversation with the whistleblower to request new information quickly and securely.

Complaint Determination       

Independent and confidential investigation trails involving any employee or third party, with response demands and deadline control.

Report in the Portal


Anonymous chat with the whistleblower to request information and a space to mention other people in the company.


Final opinion with facts, analyses, evidence, conclusions, recommendations and action plans.


Completion of report and dashboards with average response time and report resolution.

Directing complaints with A.I.       

The system uses artificial intelligence to detect whether a complaint is against a member of the channel’s management team. If so, the system delivers the complaint to another member who must analyze the merits and decide whether the complaint should be taken to an independent investigation or kept in the same flow.
Do you already have a whistleblower channel?

Our whistleblower portal can be easily integrated with your program. Insert our service at the beginning of the process and have more organized complaints for your specialists to analyze.

Is clickCompliance safe?

We use state-of-the-art technology to keep clickCompliance safe and secure for our customers.

All documents attached to the complaint form undergo an anti-virus check so that they are not a gateway to malicious attacks.
  • Benefits of using Microsoft Azure

  • Integrated Azure or Google Login

  • Database security

  • Integrity with SSL requests

  • Data Storage Security

  • Frequent backups

Contact us and know more about our system!