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Compliance Training

Offer virtual compliance training that really engages through storytelling and customizable multimedia content.

Our training is available on the clickCompliance platform, and is easily accessible on mobile phones through a browser or the APP. It’s e-learning format can be watched anywhere and anytime.





Why training, and why clickCompliance?

  • Helps to set rules and standards

  • Increases employee's sense of responsibility in fighting corruption

  • Produces clear indicators, graphs and reports on the company's performance in promoting Compliance

  • Produces clear indicators, graphs and reports on employees' knowledge of Compliance and standards

  • Favors the company's reputation for fighting corruption

Shareable completion certificate

After the completion of each training, the employee receives a personalized certificate to share on social media, organically marketing the company’s Compliance program!

Shareable on social media:

Training Topics

Gifts and Hospitality

The gift and hospitality training will cover situations where your employees may have doubts about offering or receiving gifts or hospitality, and how to react in cases like these.

Conduct in the Workplace

Workplace conduct training will cover good practices to prevent harassment and other problems that compromise well-being at work in accordance with business laws and good practices.

Financial Crimes and Fraud

The training on fraud and financial crimes will present situations related to financial issues, such as the importance of keeping invoices in activities related to work and money laundering.

Relationship with Public Administration

Training on relationships with the public administration will prepare your employees for situations of interaction with public agents or agencies, such as bids, lobbying or conflicts of interest.

Relationship with Third Parties

Third party relationship training will help your employees deal with situations with suppliers, competitors, and other private sector partners that the company deals with.

Data Protection

This training will make it possible to understand the data protection of employees and third parties. Today, with data protection legislation, there is a higher level of demands regarding each person's personal data and information security.


In our trainings, your employees accompany a character and help him navigate situations that may involve bribery, privileged information, workplace conduct, and more.  After watching some problematic situations, the employee has to answer questions and help the character decide how he should act to comply with company policies and related laws.

Although our training covers subjects and situations present in the daily routine of private companies, we know that each company has risks and factors specific to it or its sector. Therefore, you have the option to include your own content, such as powerpoints, texts and videos.
Module Features

Percentage and progress status

Sidebar organized into parts

Questions between situations

Explanatory videos to reinforce the answer

Hub of completed courses

Access via corporate email

Animated videos

Support content

Available on app / mobile

Graphs and reports by sector and group of employees

Integration with Office 365 and GSuite

Notifications and alerts


Is clickCompliance safe?

We use the latest technology to keep clickCompliance protected and safe for our customers.
  • Benefits of using Microsoft Azure

  • Integrated Azure or Google login

  • Database security

  • Integrity with SSL requests

  • Data storage security

  • Frequent backups

Contact us and know more about our system!