Protection against corruption schemes? Compliance is the answer!

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Corruption scandals around the world show the importance of effective policies against criminal acts. In Brazil, more specifically, it is possible to follow the progress of judgments, which are becoming increasingly complex. These events culminated in the creation of the Anti-Corruption Law (Law nº 12.846 / 2013). With it, corporate accountability, whether in the civil or administrative sphere, becomes more objective when “harmful acts against the national or foreign public administration” are practiced.

An exit found to protect itself from these possible processes is compliance practices. Compliance are instructions to follow the set of rules, regulations, policies and guidelines established by the company, which aims to avoid, detect and treat misconduct.

Because it is made up of people, who have the most diverse behaviors, it is impossible to ensure that none of its employees, partners, suppliers will put the organization in reverse condition. Once illicit benefits are proven to companies, they are quickly liable to suffer penalties.

Companies are now liable for illicit practices and may pay fines of up to 20% of their billing. In order to obtain the leniency agreement, that is, reduction of penalties, it is necessary for companies to collaborate effectively with the investigations and with the administrative process. It should result in the identification of those involved in the administrative infraction, when applicable; And the rapid obtaining of information and documents that prove the infraction under investigation.

In-person training, vendor and partner visits, or even contracting companies to train these people are some of the actions corporations are taking to ensure that everyone complies with pre-established policies. However, these processes are extremely expensive, and it is difficult to prove to the authorities their efficiency and exemption from the company’s own interests in them.

The solution?

In this context, there is a need to be able to count on simple and low-cost tools like the App created by Impetus: ClickCompliance. ClickCompliance is a system in which the company has complete control over its employees, network vendors and outsourcers to be in compliance with the policies of the organization. Ensure the integrity of your company with ClickCompliance!


