Permission policy in compliance management software

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Click Compliance is a compliance and governance management software that aims to control the acceptance of your company’s employees regarding the policies and documents that are or can be made available. Over the next few weeks we´ll talk about the features and their applications. Click Compliance was thought as a tool capable of protecting the legal entity from any illegal act practiced by employees, resellers, suppliers or partners.

How does it work?


From the moment the employee acceptance is given, they are demonstrating to the compliance management software that they have read and are in compliance with the policy stipulated by itself and by the accompanying document. In this way, if the employee takes any illegal action that violates the company’s code of ethics, the company will be held individually responsible for its actions.




User Profiles


In the administrative part of Click Compliance, there are 3 user profiles. The first one is the administrator itself. It is responsible for some important functions like having full access to the software settings. In addition, it is also responsible for submitting alerts in cases such as release of new policies or versions, user inclusion at the hearing, policy approval and policy acceptance. These alerts can be configured to be sent on specific dates and how many reminders will be sent.

The second profile is the publisher profile. Each area has editors who are responsible for creating policies and documents. The areas are created to facilitate and set up the structure of reviewing permissions.

Once developed, the documents and policies go through the approval workflow. Hence, the third profile appears, which is that of the approver. It is responsible for approving the documents and policies that will be made available to end users. In addition, they are also responsible for approving content created by publishers.

For a policy or document to be approved for the end user, they must pass through hierarchy levels. That is, as soon as the first level approves, it passes to the second until the last level that will be responsible for making the policies and documents available to the end user.

Do you wanna know how Click Compliance works in practice? Schedule a 30-minute demo with us that will clarify all the nuances of the software!


